Right turn to Cumpatu
Artist talk: Christine Niehoff & Nicu Ilfoveanu
artists in residence Artist Ne(s)t Sinaia
29 May 15h00
The White Night of Art Galleries: 23 May 2008 18h00
Project Zagreb: Transition as Condition, Strategy, and Practice
Eve Blau and Ivan Rupnik
Transition is a condition that creates opportunities for architecture and urbanism. Zagreb is the perfect site for examining this generative dynamic: practicing in conditions of continuous instability, its architects and planners developed strategies for creatively engaging the conditional and openended— for anticipating and instrumentalizing the condition of irresolution. Moving between texts, maps, and diagrams, Project Zagreb reads the city as an open work, dynamic but coherent, in which architecture plays an active role in the formation of both urban practices and the city itself. This project is presented through four projections including diagrams, historical photographs, historical films, as well as contemporary stop-frame films.
Tuesday 13 May 2008 19h00
Artist talk: Anetta Mona Chisa
Romantic Economies
Anetta Mona Chisa was born in Romania. She studied sculpture and conceptual art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia (1994-2000) and since 2002 she is teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, New Media department.
In 2006 she won the Slovak young visual artists award Oskar Cepan and was a resident artist at ISCP New York City. Her works have been showed recently at Milano Flash Art Show, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Vienna, Futura gallery Prague, f.a.i.t. gallery Cracow, Prague Biennial, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien Berlin, Space gallery Bratislava, Turner Contemporary Margate, Museums Quartier Vienna and Billboart Gallery Europe.
Most of her works are contextual, based on personal stories and very often she plays with the concept of access to different forms of power: professional, political, ideological, and geographical. Her artistic practices vary from stealing in private art galleries, going to fortuneteller to talking about sexy men and doing porn movies and photographs with her often collaborator Lucia Tkacova.
Monday 12 May 2008 17h00
Can there be an Identity Overdose if you are an artist?
artist talk by Luchezar Boyadjiev (Bulgaria)
In his works, Luchezar Boyadjiev examines the visual and aesthetic consequences of the politic, economic, social and relational changes in ex-socialist capital cities like Sofia,Bucharest, Budapest, Moscow but also Istanbul, reshuffling an urban world that has been filled up with meanings.
Luchezar Boyadjiev, born in 1957, graduates as art historian at the National Academy of Arts, Sofia in 1980. He has been taking part in the most important Biennials of the world since the beginning of the 1990s (Prague and Moscow in 2007, Singapore and Iasi/Periferic 7 in 2006, Istanbul and Venice in 2005 etc.). Photography, Conceptual Art and New Media are his main fields of interest. Luchezar Boyadjiev also works as art critic, publicist and curator.