Str. General Budişteanu 10
Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are
Class for Media Art - Prof. Helmut Mark/ Kilian Schellbach, Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Germany
Artists: Jana Engel, Roman Graneist, Thomas Janitzky, Lorenz Lindner, Winja Lutz, Nils Mollenhauer, Alexandru Niculescu, Franziska Pierwoss, Martin Rauch, Stefan Reuter, Nicolas Rossi, Marike Schreiber, Danny Schulz, Frank Übler
Opening: 10 November 2009, at 6 p.m.
Duration: 11November 2009 - 30 November 2009
Archaeologies of the Present/ Memory, History, Experience
In recent years a tendency has been observed toward reference to the archaeological on the part of the arts and humanities. This pertains to the reactivation of the principle of excavation, recovery and documenting as well as questions about the mediality of knowledge, the composition of archives and the selective nature of memory and the effects of inclusion and exemption associated with it.
The specific grasp of artists on archaeological methods of uncovering, storing and analyzing finds a decisive amelioration here through its interest in the present. The present is also subject to the ongoing processes of disappearance.
For documentarism in the art field, the ambition of the testimonial -- on the basis of subjective artistic criteria -- is the focal point. Nevertheless, elements of narration and fiction or, "how it might have been" arise. Such a testimonial as counter-hegemonic narration, which implies past, present and future and which can be read as an artistic contribution to the societal production of realities, builds a specific potentiality.
Kilian Schellbach
Media Art at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig is an art form still in its infancy, and as such finds itself placed in a field undergoing dynamic changes, the development and outcome of which remain largely unpredictable. Contrary to traditional courses of study at the HGB such as Painting and Photography, which move within a clearly defined medium, Media Art cannot rely on an extensive, well-established vocabulary. During study, image selection, media formats and presentations should be examined anew and developed to cater to the students' needs. The following skills are therefore fostered during the course: the testing and development of artistic and technical competence, the acquisition of communicative and organisational skills, as well as consideration of the correspondence of one's work to current artistic, social and political questions. Through group and project work students not only have the chance to discover their strengths and recognise their preferences, but are also confronted with the organisational demands of displaying works from their conception right through to their realisation and presentation in an exhibition. In addition to teacher supervision in foundation and core studies, students can also call upon the expertise of academic colleagues. For example, it is possible to make use of a professionally supervised audiovisual lab or to ask for supervision with the programming of more complex applications.
In core studies students may attend the classes offered by Alba D'Urbano, Joachim Blank, Ralf Urban Bühler, Helmut Mark and Günther Selichar.
In terms of content, the topic of study is not only determined by discussing possibilities of "new media" in contrast to traditional media or the increasing mechanisation of society through digital media, but also the analysis of space, time, attention, communication and participation or interaction respectively. Consideration of the effects of a media-transmitted, grossly accelerated global perception of an image of the world and of its people serves as the basis of this discussion.
The Media Art course at the College offers students the possibility to critically deal with artistic, contextual and media-specific problems. The aim of the course is to develop an individual working method and designate one's own independent artistic standpoint. Students may also choose from four specialist classes after foundation studies or the Vordiplom.