Opening: Thursday 8 October 18h00
Merete Rostad
Nomzi Kumalo
Nirmal Singh Dhunsi
Cristina David
These four artists represent different voices in society and art scene in Norway today. The artists living in Norway describe their situation as being a meeting point between their original cultural identity and their daily influence. The other two have residencies in other European countries and own a more distant perspective to the Norwegian way. “Norwegianness” is also an ironic reference to the fright of an increasing multiculturalism and globalism. As this exhibition is exploring processes of change in Norwegian culture and art scenery, it also holds an international and global aspect of the effect from different interferences and the creation of new meaning.
Curator NOR
Bjřrg Kvaran, Susanne Moss, Inger Lillesand
Merete Rostad Her philosophy is strategies according to social relations. She is occupied with the matter of making art available. In this exhibition her project will anchor the Norwegian identity in a bit of an ironic manner. A manifesto in digi photo is exposed in the show room. The collective memory collector
Cristina David lives in Romania, and she prefers working with videos and installations. On the level of production her works are also relational in the matter of including people in her narratives. Humour has a great part in her work. "I like to see the reality through the tales, to exercise my mind and to place stories where none may exist".
Nirmal Singh Dhunsi works in the field between his Norwegian and Indian identity, claiming he is conscious of this symbiosa and the value of it. In his universe we find a mix of Mickey Mouse and Krishna, both claiming to be verified.
Nomzi Kumalo is born and educated in South-Africa, now living in Norway. Her motiv is in concret and abstract sense herself or seemingly prosaic but still mysterious motivs. Her manner is expressive.
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